I'm just geting started with NServiceBus and can't figure out what I'm missing when configuring the MsmqTransport in code. If I configure the publisher like this;
IBus bus = Configure.With()
bus.Publish(new Message(DateTime.Now));
and the app.config like so
<section name="MsmqTransportConfig" type="NServiceBus.Config.MsmqTransportConfig, NServiceBus.Core" />
MaxRetries="5" />
Then all works fine - it will create the queues and I can happily message away, however if I delete the queues and then try again with code like so;
var config = Configure.With()
.ConfigureProperty(x => x.InputQueue, "testapps_messagebus")
.ConfigureProperty(x => x.NumberOfWorkerThreads, 1)
.ConfigureProperty(x => x.ErrorQueue, "testapps_errors")
.ConfigureProperty(x => x.MaxRetries, 5);
IBus bus = config
bus.Publish(new Message(DateTime.Now));
The messages seem to get lost as they do not appear in any queues nor get handled - I'm guessing I'm missing something but I can't see where.