I am trying to get a result that looks like this out of TVirtualStringTree:
I believe that it might be possible either directly with TVirtualStringTree
(the main Virtual Treeview control by Mike Lischke), or by subclassing it and modifying the inherited control, or by going to a TVirtualDrawTree
Here is what I can get, and shows the problem that I face:
The problem I have is that I can't seem to get the text for column 0 to take up the entire horizontal area of the virtual treeview control. There is a virtual treeview demo in the Advanced demo showing multiline text that appears to do what I need, but I am unable to figure out how to apply it in combination with the detail columns that I need below the header row (shown as Node,Node,Node in the picture).
Here is what I tried:
- Modify ContentRect.Right in BeforeCellPaint event:
- set
on inTreeOptions.MiscOptions
Here is a code sample showing how I tried to change the contentRect:
procedure TForm1.VirtualStringTree1BeforeCellPaint(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree;
TargetCanvas: TCanvas; Node: PVirtualNode; Column: TColumnIndex;
CellPaintMode: TVTCellPaintMode; CellRect: TRect; var ContentRect: TRect);
level := VirtualStringTree1.GetNodeLevel(Node);
if (level=0) then
Inc( ContentRect.Right, 300);
Using the answer accepted below, I get the following: