I'm getting a lot of troubles trying to publish a .war package
containing a Web Start application with commons-configuration-1.3.jar
in the build path (com.sun.deploy.net.JARSigningException)
I have already tried to clean the javaws
cache, reinstall the application, even reinstalling java (1.6.0_24)
This is a stretch of my NetBeans IDE 6.8 (Build 200912041610)
output while creating a JNLP
The signer certificate will expire within six months.
Signing JAR: D:\Java\workspace\OTP\DeskOTP\atual\build\cluster\modules\ext\commons-configuration-1.3.jar to D:\Java\workspace\OTP\DeskOTP\atual\build\jnlp\app\br-com-petrobras-ep-gedig-gedigdesktoplibrary\ext-commons-configuration-1.3.jar as jnlp
However, when trying to run I got a JARSigningException
for this jar.
So, I decide to solve this disabling this verification. I believe I can decide and tell jvm
not to verify my jars (my responsibility).
Is there anyway to tell jvm
or javaws
to NEVER verify non signed jars
files until the bug is resolved. – Rundlet