I am currently following this tutorial
But at around 9:50 he uses a component called KinectSensorChooser which is not available anymore in the latest SDK 1.6 version because i read Microsoft's SDK History log that states
"We’ve taken KinectSensorChooser, formerly part of the WpfViewers and split the logic and UI into two different classes: KinectSensorChooser and KinectSensorChooserUI in Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.dll. KinectSensorChooser could be used in non-WPF scenarios as it is logic only, no UI."
Source: http://www.windows7download.com/win7-kinect-sdk/history-lxqvgakz.html
Since the Microsoft.Kinect does not include the KinectSensorChooser component i added the Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit reusable component which does include the KinectSensorChooser but the component is not showing up in the toolbox, i tried adding it manually by right clicking on the toolbox and selecting choose items then WPF components then locating it but it imports as a UI (KinectSensorChooserUI) and if i drag it onto the form the component disappears from the toolbox, i am using Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate on Windows 8