The problem with the ANE is that it's not a complete implementation. Most importantly the ANE doesn't implement a default fallback implementation which is what the device would fallback to if there wasn't a particular implementation for the current platform.
This makes the ANE very hard to use in cross-platform development as it will fail in some cases. Any platform that isn't specifically included will fail with the message you received.
Basically without changing the ANE yourself you won't be able to use it as you are expecting. Your only way is to do some conditional style compilation and not call the ANE in the simulator.
If you do wish to change the ANE then the best option is to implement the default library. This is quite simple, but you will need: XCode, eclipse with Android dev tools, and adt from the AIR SDK.
Firstly you'll need to compile the existing projects, the Android lib, the iOS lib and the existing actionscript library, to generate VibrationAndroidLibrary.jar, libVibrationiOSLibrary.a and VibrationActionScriptLibrary.swc respectively.
You'll then need to make another actionscript library, and duplicate the com.adobe.nativeExtensions.Vibration class as below:
public class Vibration
public function Vibration()
public static function get isSupported():Boolean
return false;
public function vibrate(duration:Number):void
This class will replace the other class in cases where the extension isn't implemented instead of you getting the above message.
Then we'll need to add the default definition to the extension.xml file:
<extension xmlns="">
<platform name="Android-ARM">
<platform name="iPhone-ARM">
<platform name="default">
<applicationDeployment />
Then we'll need to recompile the ANE using the new default actionscript SWC. Lets say you're in the VibrationNEDeliverables directory from the mentioned ANE, you can enter this into a bash file and run it or put it all on one line from the command line). The first couple of lines just extract the library.swf file and move it to the locations needed by the package command. Be careful with the paths etc here, I've assumed you've put the default lib in VibrationActionScriptDefaultLibrary but you'll need to change this appropriately.
unzip -o -d VibrationActionScriptLibrary/bin VibrationActionScriptLibrary/bin/VibrationActionScriptLibrary.swc
unzip -o -d VibrationActionScriptDefaultLibrary/bin VibrationActionScriptDefaultLibrary/bin/VibrationActionScriptDefaultLibrary.swc
cp VibrationActionScriptLibrary/bin/library.swf VibrationiOSLibrary/build/Release-iphoneos/.
cp VibrationActionScriptLibrary/bin/library.swf VibrationAndroidLibrary/bin/.
adt -package \
-storetype pkcs12 -keystore YOUR_SIGNING_KEY.p12 -storepass KEY_PASSWORD \
-target ane com.adobe.extensions.Vibration.ane VibrationActionScriptLibrary/src/extension.xml \
-swc VibrationActionScriptLibrary/bin/VibrationActionScriptLibrary.swc \
-platform iPhone-ARM -C VibrationiOSLibrary/build/Release-iphoneos . \
-platform Android-ARM -C VibrationAndroidLibrary/bin . \
-platform default -C VibrationActionScriptDefaultLibrary/bin .
Once that's complete you should now have a new version of the ANE with a default lib which will make it much more useable! Personally I don't think an ANE should be released without it.
If you need a fully functional ANE, you can check out ours: