I have been having occasional problems with a server I wrote. It's in Clojure, but I don't think that matters, and we can pretend it's in Java. Anyway, it works fine for hours at a time, but goes into fits where it behaves very badly: all activity stops, for around fifteen seconds, and then it works normally for a few seconds, then stops for fifteen seconds...and so on for (usually) about ten minutes or so, after which it goes back to behaving normally.
I've done a lot of profiling of it with YourKit, and I've ruled out a number of plausible suspects:
It's not a garbage collection issue: I'm running it with
, and I've verified that the server continues to run just fine during both minor and major collections, due to the concurrent nature of this garbage collector. And we're not thrashing as we run out of total memory or something: the current heap size is well below its max.I don't think it's a locking/synchronization issue, but I'm not 100% sure on that. The YourKit profiler shows threads waiting sometimes, eg competing over the lock for System.out to produce log messages, but the only long waits are for worker threads in threadpools when there's nothing to do. And of course YourKit says it's never detected any deadlocks.
It's not something caused by having the profiler attached, because it still happens even if I boot the server up and then leave it alone without ever attaching the profiler.
It's not some other process on the system taking up all the CPU time:
shows CPU usage at 100% for my java process, and basically 0% for everything else.
My biggest problem is that I can't see what the server is doing during these strange funks, because the profiler stops receiving samples. Here's a graph of the CPU usage chart:
The left side of the graph is normal operation, during which we get profiler samples every second or so. The right side is "broken", and is very spiky because the profiler is only getting samples every ten seconds or so. In the samples it does get, the server seems to be doing its usual business: responding to requests and so on; and the logs confirm that it is doing normal stuff, but only at the times the profiler has samples for: during the upward-sloping "straight lines" on the graph, for which the profiler has no samples, the server is doing nothing at all.
So, does this graph look familiar to anyone? Have you had this problem before and fixed it? Or can you point me in the direction of a tool that can figure out what my server is doing during the time when YourKit can't? In case it matters, the server machine is running Ubuntu 10.04, and
$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_22"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.10.10) (rhel-
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b11, mixed mode)
shows the java process using 100% CPU during its "sad times". I'll edit that into the question. And I already have quite a bit of logging, as I mentioned: none of it happens when the server is stuck. – Cowling