I will do my best to make my situation as clear as possible. I tried googling the error message, but I haven't found any topic regarding exit code=2
anywhere. I only found topics regarding different exit codes, and I'm trying to fix my issue following the advice given there - no luck so far. Also I'm a newbie when it comes to any form of Linux (the distribution I'm using is Ubuntu).
My eclipse crashes on launch with following error window popping up:
JVM terminated. Exit code=2
-jar /usr/lib/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.dist.jar
-os linux
-ws gtk
-arch x86_64
-showsplash /usr/lib/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.platform_3.8.1.dist/splash.bmp
-launcher /usr/lib/eclipse/eclipse
-name Eclipse
-startup /usr/lib/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.dist.jar
-exitdata 670018
-vm /usr/bin/java
-jar /usr/lib/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.dist.jar
There is a big posibility that my problem is related to lack of proper Java version installed.
I suspect this because:
I had eclipse running on my pc two days ago. Yesterday I had to use a web-application which required a specific version of JRE installed. Due to my lack of linux knowledge, I spent a few hours removing my current installations of java JREs and JDKs (so I could install the required version) using multiple guides that I found on the internet (some included commands like sudo apt-get purge java*
and other commands including removing, java and *). Today my Eclipse wont launch.
When I run
java -version
it says no such file or directory, but the webpages like http://www.java.com/en/download/testjava.jsp http://javatester.org/version.html do work and say that my java version is
Vendor: Oracle Corporation
Version: Java SE 7 Update 25
Operating System: Linux 3.5.0-34-generic
Java Architecture: 64-bit
installed using this method:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
Can someone please guide me how to solve this specific problem? Luckly I haven't made any important projects in my Eclipse yet so I don't mind purging the installation if necessary.
To be completely honest the main reason I need Eclipse for is the Remote Server Explorer option, so if anyone knows a good IDE other than Eclipse that can provide just as good Remote Server Explorer it would be a perfect-fast-temporary solution.