I am trying to put together a c# program with GMap, and I'd like the coordinates where the mouse is to show up on the bottom of the screen. I've added an OnMouseMove method to the form, and I do get coordinates out, but only if the mouse is not over the map itself. If the mouse is over the map it does not respond. I am fairly new to c#, so I am probably missing something fairly simple. Any ideas? Below is the code I'm using right now.
public partial class Form1 : Form
protected override void OnMouseMove(System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
if(e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
int itest=2;
double X = mapexplr.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y).Lng;
double Y = mapexplr.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y).Lat;
string longitude = X.ToString();
string latitude = Y.ToString();
LongStrip.Text = longitude;
LatStrip.Text = latitude;
GMapOverlay overlayOne;
public Form1()
private void mapexplr_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//initialisation de notre map
mapexplr.MapProvider = GMap.NET.MapProviders.BingMapProvider.Instance;
GMap.NET.GMaps.Instance.Mode = GMap.NET.AccessMode.ServerAndCache;
mapexplr.Position = new PointLatLng(35.571458, -85.547961);
mapexplr.DragButton = MouseButtons.Left;
mapexplr.MapProvider = GMapProviders.BingMap;
mapexplr.MinZoom = 3;
mapexplr.MaxZoom = 17;
mapexplr.Zoom = 5;
mapexplr.Manager.Mode = AccessMode.ServerAndCache;
//ajout des overlay
overlayOne = new GMapOverlay(mapexplr, "OverlayOne");
//ajout de Markers
overlayOne.Markers.Add(new GMap.NET.WindowsForms.Markers.GMapMarkerGoogleGreen(new PointLatLng(36.657403, 10.327148)));
//ajout de overlay à la map