I need to do tcpdump trace on my android devices.
My setup:
Push tcpdump file to sdcard
adb push filepath/tcpdump /sdcard/tcpdump
Copy file to /system/bin
Give root privileges to tcpdump file
adb shell
cd /system/bin
chmod 777 tcpdump
Install BUSYBOX from Google Play
Run tcpdump trace
tcpdump -vv -s 0 -w /sdcard/filename.pcap
I have already managed to do that on Samsung Galaxy S4 - it works fine. However, it doesn't work on my Samsung Galaxy Tab. After tcpdump command I got error:
soinfo_link_image(linker.cpp:1635): could not load library "libssl.so" needed by
"/system/bin/tcpdump"; caused by load_library(linker.cpp:761): not a valid ELF
executable: libssl.soCANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE
Both devices are rooted and they have the same tcpdump configuration. I have libssl.so in /system/lib/
Samsung Galaxy S4
C:\Windows\System32>adb shell
shell@android:/ $ su
root@android:/ # cd system/bin
cd system/bin
root@android:/system/bin # tcpdump
tcpdump: WARNING: arptype 530 not supported by libpcap - falling back to cooked
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on rmnet_usb0, link-type LINUX_SLL (Linux cooked), capture size 96 byt
Samsung Galaxy Tab
C:\Windows\System32>adb shell
root@android:/ # su
root@android:/ # cd system/bin
cd system/bin
root@android:/system/bin # tcpdump
soinfo_link_image(linker.cpp:1635): could not load library "libssl.so" needed by
"/system/bin/tcpdump"; caused by load_library(linker.cpp:761): not a valid ELF
executable: libssl.soCANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE
255|root@android:/system/bin #