While running Emacs (24.3.1) with Tramp (2.2.6-24.3) on Ubuntu 12.10 I'll have a bunch of remote files open through Tramp for example:
m-x find-file: /scp:[email protected]:~/file.txt
After a suspend/resume cycle on my laptop I'll go back into Emacs and start working in an open buffer. Once I save or it autosaves it freezes, and will show an "args out of range(000 - 000)"(this message is from memory, the zeros represent numbers it shows will edit this next time I get it) error and not save. Any subsequent attempts will just hang.
Also I cannot open any other files using the same protocol in find-file, as in the case above 'scp'.
Some workarounds I have found are to first delete ~/.emacs.d/tramp file, which works sometimes, and there are times that it wasn't there after multiple suspend/resume cycles.
Another workaround is to use another protocol when opening files, so in the find-file line above I would use 'ssh' or 'scpc'. This is for only opening new buffers, not for saving current buffers, so I would usually close the file's buffer then reopen it using the different protocol I mentioned.
Any suggestions?