Let's take the following example:
We want to expose company and employee information from a RESTful API.
Company data should be quite simply:
GET api/v1/companies
GET api/v1/companies/{id}
Employees BELONG to a company, but we still want to retrieve them individually as well, so which solution is best:
Solution 1: Using sub-resources
Get all employees for a company:
GET api/v1/companies/{companyId}/employees
Get a specific employee:
GET api/v1/companies/{companyId}/employees/{employeeId}
Solution 2: Using an independent resources
Get all employees for a company:
GET api/v1/employees?companyId={companyId}
Get a specific employee:
GET api/v1/employees/{employeeId}
Both options seem to have their pros and cons.
With sub-resources, I may not always have the CompanyId on hand when wanting to retrieve an individual employee.
With an independent resource, getting all employees for a company should use the sub-resource approach if we want to be RESTful.
Otherwise, we could use a mix, but this lacks consistency:
Get all employees for a company:
GET api/v1/companies/{companyId}/employees
Get a specific employee:
GET api/v1/employees/{employeeId}
What is the best approach to take in such a situation if we want to stay true to RESTful standards?