I am trying to use VirtualAlloc to reserve and commit a block of memory and then again to extend that block. Unfortunately, it is returning NULL with error ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS despite VirtualQuery saying that the address range requested is free. Here's my code:
void* allocation = VirtualAlloc(NULL, 4096, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
void* desiredNextAllocation = (char*)allocation + 4096;
size_t memory_info = VirtualQuery(desiredNextAllocation, &info, sizeof(info));
void* extended = VirtualAlloc(desiredNextAllocation, 4096, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
The first allocation returns 0x00000000000d0000. The call to VirtualQuery results in the following data in 'info':
BaseAddress 0x00000000000d1000 void *
AllocationBase 0x0000000000000000 void *
AllocationProtect 0x00000000 unsigned long
RegionSize 0x00000000000ff000 unsigned __int64
State 0x00010000 unsigned long
Protect 0x00000001 unsigned long
Type 0x00000000 unsigned long
I interpret that to mean that there are 0xff available pages beginning at 0xd1000 which are in the MEM_FREE state. So why does my attempt to commit the page at 0xd1000 fail?
I'm running Windows 7 and this is a 64 bit build.
I have read several StackOverflow posts about VirtualAlloc but they all seem to imply that this code should work as does my understanding of the documentation.