I have started learning scala for a while now and now looking at cake pattern. I got the example from here
trait UserRepositoryComponent {
def userLocator: UserLocator
trait UserLocator {
def findAll: List[User]
trait UserRepositoryJPAComponent extends UserRepositoryComponent {
val em: EntityManager
def userLocator = new UserLocatorJPA(em)
class UserLocatorJPA(val em: EntityManager) extends UserLocator {
def findAll = {
println("Executing a JPA query")
List(new User, new User)
trait UserServiceComponent {
def userService: UserService
trait UserService {
def findAll: List[User]
trait DefaultUserServiceComponent extends UserServiceComponent {
this: UserRepositoryComponent =>
def userService = new DefaultUserService
class DefaultUserService extends UserService {
def findAll = userLocator.findAll
To me it looks like too many boilerplate code to get the JPA repository injected to service.
However this code would do the same with much lesser number of lines
trait UserRepository {
def findAll
trait JPAUserRepository extends UserRepository {
val em: EntityManager
def findAll = {
println("find using JPA")
trait MyService {
def findAll
trait MyDefaultService extends MyService {
this: UserRepository=>
Instantiating both scenarios.
val t1 = new DefaultUserServiceComponent with UserRepositoryJPAComponent {
val em = new EntityManager()
val t2 = new MyDefaultService with JPAUserRepository {
val em = new EntityManager
Second scenario uses much less code, and uses DI. Can you help me understand what extra advantages cake pattern brings.