I'm working on a React + Redux application, and I need to display a datagrid with paginated data. I have potentially thousands of rows, but I don't want virtual loading through scrollbar; I want pagination. I load data through Ajax calls.
I'm probably going to use jqGrid which seems to be a fine candidate for the job, as it can load data given on the fly, and display a "virtual" pager for data which is not yet loaded.
My question is about how I handle that in the React + Redux world.
Should I make Ajax calls in action creators, and pass the fetched data to reducers, to put it in the state, so then components which are subscribed to the Redux store can get it?
Or should I make the Ajax calls directly in the component?
Also where should I keep the querying data (page number, items count per page, total number of rows, sorting/grouping/filtering informations)? In the component or in the state?