I'm trying to perform a query that retrieves information from a CRM Dynamics with the Simple OData Client library like this (C#):
var settings = new ODataClientSettings(resource + "/api/data/v8.0/");
settings.BeforeRequest = (request) =>
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", accesstoken.AccessTokenType + " " + accesstoken.AccessToken);
settings.PayloadFormat = ODataPayloadFormat.Json;
var client = new ODataClient(settings);
var annotations = new ODataFeedAnnotations();
var transactions = await client.For("mss_transaccions").FindEntriesAsync(annotations);
while (annotations.NextPageLink != null)
transactions = transactions.Union(await client.For("mss_transaccions").FindEntriesAsync(annotations.NextPageLink, annotations));
While this works, it is extremely slow because my query on the mss_transaccions table has 7200 entities. I'm looking at the output in Fiddler and I can see that it is trying to download about 20 MB of information.
I tried to run the same query on Google Chrome, and I could see that by default the obtained response is compressed in gzip format, going from 20MB to some mere 500KB. So I'm deducing that Simple OData Client is not doing any kind of compression, and that's why it is so tremendously slow.
In addition, the request from OData Simple Client asks for metadata information, which adds another 4MB, while Chrome or a simple HttpClient request do not need to make that call.
Is there anything I can do to improve that and enable compression?
Thank you.