I am newbie at using Shapeless, and I am experimenting with Shapeless for automatic type class generation and folding over HLists.
My goal is to render a HList
as (a, b, c, d)
using a typeclass implementation of scalaz.Show
My first step was to experiment in the REPL with the following code
import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.hlist._
object prettyPrint extends Poly2 {
implicit def defaultCase[A] = at((a:A, z:String)=>s", ${a.toString}$z")
def print[H, T<:HList](f: H :: T)(implicit folder:RightFolder.Aux[H :: T, String, prettyPrint.type, String]) = {
val f = 1::'a::2::'b::HNil
val res = s"(${f.head}${print(f.tail)})" // Results res: String = (1, 'a, 2, 'b)
After this I implemented the following method in my implementation of LabelledTypeClassCompanion[...]
. Unfortunately, this code does not compile because the compiler is complaining about missing implicits, even though I can't tell what the difference is between the code in the REPL and the code below. My Question is what is the problem in the code below and how can I fix it?
def showFold[H, T<:HList](f: H::T)(implicit folder:RightFolder.Aux[ H::T, String, prettyPrint.type, String]) = {
override def product[H, T <: HList](name: String, ch: ScalazShow[H], ct: ScalazShow[T]): ScalazShow[H :: T] = {
new ScalazShow[H :: T] {
override def shows(ft: (H :: T)): String = {
showFold(ft) // This does not compile
Error:(49, 18) could not find implicit value for parameter folder: shapeless.ops.hlist.RightFolder.Aux[shapeless.::[H,T],String,com.fpinscala.ninetynine.prettyPrint.type,String] showFold(ft) // This does not compile
Below is the complete implementation
package com.fpinscala.ninetynine
import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.hlist.RightFolder
import scalaz.{Show => ScalazShow}
object prettyPrint extends Poly2 {
implicit def defaultCase[A]:this.Case.Aux[A, String, String] = at[A, String]{
(a,z) => s", $a$z"
object ShowImpl extends LabelledTypeClassCompanion[ScalazShow] {
implicit def symbolShow : ScalazShow[Symbol] = new ScalazShow[Symbol] {
override def shows(f: Symbol): String = f.toString()
implicit def intShow : ScalazShow[Int] = new ScalazShow[Int] {
override def shows(f: Int): String = f.toString
override val typeClass: LabelledTypeClass[ScalazShow] = new LabelledTypeClass[ScalazShow] {
override def coproduct[L, R <: Coproduct](name: String, cl: => ScalazShow[L], cr: => ScalazShow[R]): ScalazShow[L :+: R] = new ScalazShow[L :+: R] {
override def shows(lr: (L :+: R)): String = lr match {
case Inl(l) => cl.shows(l)
case Inr(r) => cr.shows(r)
override def emptyCoproduct: ScalazShow[CNil] = new ScalazShow[CNil] {
override def shows(f: CNil): String = ""
def showFold[H, T<:HList](f: H::T)(implicit folder:RightFolder.Aux[ H::T, String, prettyPrint.type, String]) = {
override def product[H, T <: HList](name: String, ch: ScalazShow[H], ct: ScalazShow[T]): ScalazShow[H :: T] = {
new ScalazShow[H :: T] {
override def shows(ft: (H :: T)): String = {
showFold(ft) // This does not compile
override def project[F, G](instance: => ScalazShow[G], to: (F) => G, from: (G) => F): ScalazShow[F] = new ScalazShow[F] {
override def shows(f: F): String = instance.shows(to(f))
override def emptyProduct: ScalazShow[HNil] = new ScalazShow[HNil] {
override def shows(f: HNil): String = ""