I'm trying to implement the alpha beta pruning with transpositional tables, I found the pseudocode of the algorithm in wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negamax#cite_note-Breuker-1 However I belive that this psudocode is wrong, I think that alphaOrig is useless and instead of:
if bestValue ≤ alphaOrig
ttEntry.Flag := UPPERBOUND
It should be:
if bestValue ≤ α
ttEntry.Flag := UPPERBOUND
Can anyone confirm if I'm right or explain to me why I'm wrong, thanks!
Here the pseudocode:
function negamax(node, depth, α, β, color)
alphaOrig := α
// Transposition Table Lookup; node is the lookup key for ttEntry
ttEntry := TranspositionTableLookup( node )
if ttEntry is valid and ttEntry.depth ≥ depth
if ttEntry.Flag = EXACT
return ttEntry.Value
else if ttEntry.Flag = LOWERBOUND
α := max( α, ttEntry.Value)
else if ttEntry.Flag = UPPERBOUND
β := min( β, ttEntry.Value)
if α ≥ β
return ttEntry.Value
if depth = 0 or node is a terminal node
return color * the heuristic value of node
bestValue := -∞
childNodes := GenerateMoves(node)
childNodes := OrderMoves(childNodes)
foreach child in childNodes
v := -negamax(child, depth - 1, -β, -α, -color)
bestValue := max( bestValue, v )
α := max( α, v )
if α ≥ β
// Transposition Table Store; node is the lookup key for ttEntry
ttEntry.Value := bestValue
if bestValue ≤ alphaOrig
ttEntry.Flag := UPPERBOUND
else if bestValue ≥ β
ttEntry.Flag := LOWERBOUND
ttEntry.Flag := EXACT
ttEntry.depth := depth
TranspositionTableStore( node, ttEntry )
return bestValue