My company is using Sphinx to create the manuals for our products. Our products are shipped with PDF and HTML documentations. We are using Windows as a sole developer environment.
A necessary requirement is to generate both kind of format from the same sources (*.rst files).
A legacy documentation uses extensive SVG-Images, but the sphinx build format latex
does not support SVG-Files in \includegraphics{}
Now I found the promising Sphinx-Extension sphinx.ext.imgconverter
and included it into my
extensions = [
Hopefully, converting all SVG-Files into PDF-files if I'm building LaTeX. Unfortunately, the documentation of the extension is very short and there is no working example.
The contents of our rst files are basically:
.. image:: Image.*
:width: 100px
Sphinx should figure out on its own, if the star should be replcaced by svg or pdf depending on the build html/pdf. This information I got from previous posts:
But somehow there I'm unable to generate my latex. Using Sphinx docs how can I specify png image formats for HTML builds and pdf image formats for Latex/PDF builds?
Instead the following warning is issued:
WARNING: no matching candidate for image URI u'Image.*'
But only if I wanted to build LaTeX in case of HTML there is no warning.
Do I have to install ImageMagick or is there is something wrong? How does Sphinx know, where to search ImageMagick?
I just updated my Sphinx to version 1.7.2. It still doesn't work. As I was unable to install ImageMagick, I temporarily removed the extension sphinx.ext.imgconverter
from my
to test for a manual solution. I converted all the images manually to pdf/png using inkscape.
Now I got the following warnings, if I compile with make latex
WARNING: a suitable image for latex builder not found: ['image/svg+xml']
But there are definitely manually converted images (pdf,png) in both the source
directory and the build/latex
directory, alike.
My LaTeX file is compiled to something like:
And I'm unable to compile it with pdflatex.
LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .*.
Are there some settings for the LaTeX Builder in my
to take my converted images?
If I include the following lines in my
something unexpected happens:
from import LaTeXBuilder
LaTeXBuilder.supported_image_types = ['image/png', 'image/pdf','image/svg+xml' ]
The output of my LaTeX file now contains the line:
If I remove the type image/svg+xml
from the supported_image_types
I got the previous error again. My impression is, that sphinx-build
looks for the converted images in the wrong places. But this is just an idea.