I'd like to try out classes and polymorphism in Chapel, so I am trying to get the following example code to work:
module SomeAnimals {
class Animal {
class Bird: Animal {
class Fish: Animal {
proc Bird.fly() {
writeln("Flying ...!");
proc Fish.swim() {
writeln("Swimming ...!");
} // module SomeAnimals
proc main() {
use SomeAnimals;
var anim: Animal;
anim = new Fish();
select (anim.type) {
when Fish do anim.swim();
delete anim;
anim = new Bird();
select (anim.type) {
when Bird do anim.fly();
delete anim;
} // proc main
This compiles, but upon running it, it simply exits without producing any print-out. Apparently, the calls to the anim.swim() and anim.fly() methods, contained within the select statements, aren't executed for some reason. Without making use of these select statements to check the actual type of the polymorphic variable "anim", the code, of course, doesn't compile.
The above example is actually a rather literal translation of a working Fortran 2008 code that makes use of Fortran's "select type" statement. Does Chapel provide a similar statement, or does this example have to be coded in a completely different fashion in order to work in Chapel? I couldn't find anything of relevance in the Chapel documentation.