Even though redis is a key:value store, there are soooo many ways that you can tweak it to your benefit. For example, you can use hashes and store your values like this:
HSET services service:1 foo
HSET services service:2 bar
HSET services service:3 buz
So the syntax is HSET hashname fieldname value
where as a field you are separating the ids with a colon.
If you have more than 1 value per key, you can do the following:
HSET services service:1:name foo
HSET services service:1:id 1
HSET services service:2:name bar
HSET services service:2:id 2
So, by separating your key with another colon, you can store more values. Then if you want to retrieve all from service 1, you can do a SCAN with a wildcard, like so:
HSCAN services 0 match service:1:*
Heck, you can even store each service as a separate hash:
HSET services:1 id 1
HSET services:1 name foo
HSET services:2 id 2
HSET services:2 name buz
Or make it even shorter with HMSET
HMSET services:1 id 1 name foo
HMSET services:2 id 2 name buz
In conclusion - Redis is awesome!