Answering your second question first - If you check the API docs for Watson Assistant V2 here, there is a MessageContext object in the response with Global Context and skill specific context values.
You also have a sample Request where you can manually pass the context (both global and user-defined)
curl -u "apikey:{apikey}" -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "{\"input\": {\"text\": \"Hello\"}, \"context\": {\"global\": {\"system\": {\"user_id\": \"my_user_id\"}}}}" "{assistant_id}/sessions/{session_id}/message?version=2018-11-08"
From the client side, you can use this code
assistant_id: '{assistant_id}',
session_id: '{session_id}',
input: {
'message_type': 'text',
'text': 'Hello'
context: {
'global': {
'system': {
'user_id': 'my_user_id'
"skills": {
"main skill": {
"user_defined": {
"my_result_variable": "result_value"
Reference link
Check the API Methods Summary to understand what is supported in V2 as of today.
There is a new concept in V2 called Session. A session is used to send user input to a skill and receive responses. It also maintains the state of the conversation which is Context automatically for you.
V2 API as of today supports Runtime Methods, methods that enable a client application to interact with (but not modify) an existing assistant or skill. You can use these methods to develop a user-facing client that can be deployed for production use, an application that brokers communication between an assistant and another service (such as a chat service or back-end system), or a testing application.
The complete cURL example that works for me
curl -u "apikey:<API_KEY>" -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "{
\"input\": {
\"text\": \"What's the time?\",
\"options\": {
\"alternate_intents\": true,
\"debug\": true,\"return_context\": true
\"context\": {
\"global\": {
\"system\": {
\"user_id\": \"derp\",\"turn_count\":1
\"skills\": {
\"main_skill\":{\"user_defined\": {
\"chosen_service\": \"dental\"
}" "{ASSISTANT_ID}/sessions/{SESSION_ID}/message?version=2018-11-08"
for session ID, run this command
curl -u "apikey:<API_KEY>" -X POST "{ASSISTANT_ID}/sessions?version=2018-11-08"
The response includes user_defined skill context
{"output":{"generic":[{"response_type":"text","text":"Hey ! how are you today? Let me know if you need any help or get stuck looking for information."}],"debug":{"nodes_visited":[{"dialog_node":"node_6_1475611948267","title":null,"conditions":"conversation_start"}],"log_messages":[],"branch_exited":true,"branch_exited_reason":"completed"},"intents":[{"intent":"General_Greetings","confidence":0.32179955244064334},{"intent":"General_Jokes","confidence":0.296911633014679},{"intent":"goodbye","confidence":0.2852578103542328},{"intent":"General_Ending","confidence":0.2513303637504578},{"intent":"off_topic","confidence":0.24435781836509707},{"intent":"select_detail","confidence":0.24206179082393647},{"intent":"list_options","confidence":0.22829059958457948},{"intent":"still-here","confidence":0.22606439888477325},{"intent":"select_service","confidence":0.22488142400979996},{"intent":"General_Security_Assurance","confidence":0.2210852071642876}],"entities":[]},"context":{"global":{"system":{"turn_count":1,"user_id":"derp"}},"skills":{"main skill":{"user_defined":{"chosen_service":"dental"}}}}}