I'm trying to parse a comma separated list. To simplify, I'm just using digits. These expressions would be valid:
(1, 4, 3)
I can think of two ways to do this and I'm wondering why exactly the failed example does not work. I believe it is a correct BNF, but I can't get it to work as PEG. Can anyone explain why exactly? I'm trying to get a better understanding of the PEG parsing logic.
I'm testing using the online browser parser generator here: https://pegjs.org/online
This does not work:
list = '(' some_digits? ')'
some_digits = digit / ', ' some_digits
digit = [0-9]
(actually, it parses okay, and likes () or (1) but doesn't recognize (1, 2)
But this does work:
list = '(' some_digits? ')'
some_digits = digit another_digit*
another_digit = ', ' digit
digit = [0-9]
Why is that? (Grammar novice here)
some_digits = digit (', ' some_digits)?
– Fronnia