Is there any way to handle onetime-code tap by restricting other keyboard entries?
I have requirement for an OTP text field to prefill the sms OTP code. User should not enter the OTP manually using keyboard numeric buttons.
IOS 12 we have the onetime-code option, it will be auto-filled in QuickType bar & User can tap on it to fill the text field. I Couldn't find an option to restrict other keyboard entries.
Is there any way we can allow only Onetime code tap and restricting any entry from the numeric keyboard .
What I have tried is created 6 textfields. First textfield content type set as One Time code. UserInteractionEnabled only for the first text field so that user can't enter data onto other fields. Once I get the OTP & taps QuickType bar - onetime code, I am prefilling all the text fields.
otp1TB.addTarget(self, action:#selector(textFieldDidChange(_:)), for: .editingChanged)
@objc func textFieldDidChange(_ textField: UITextField) {
if let otpCode = textField.text , otpCode.count > 5 {
otp1TB.text = String(otpCode[otpCode.startIndex])
otp2TB.text = String(otpCode[otpCode.index(otpCode.startIndex, offsetBy: 1)])
otp3TB.text = String(otpCode[otpCode.index(otpCode.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)])
otp4TB.text = String(otpCode[otpCode.index(otpCode.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)])
otp5TB.text = String(otpCode[otpCode.index(otpCode.startIndex, offsetBy: 4)])
otp6TB.text = String(otpCode[otpCode.index(otpCode.startIndex, offsetBy: 5)])
otp1TB.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
The issue here is since the first text field is active when the keyboard opens user has the ability to enter numeric data from the keyboard.
I need to allow only onetime code tap when the keyboard opens.