Try this code. It deletes any file that is not a valid mp3 from the folder thus remaining with only valid mp3.
import os
def isMp3Valid(file_path):
is_valid = False
f = open(file_path, 'r')
block =
frame_start = block.find(chr(255))
block_count = 0 # abort after 64k
while len(block) > 0 and frame_start == -1 and block_count < 64:
block =
frame_start = block.find(chr(255))
block_count += 1
if frame_start > -1:
frame_hdr = block[frame_start:frame_start + 4]
is_valid = frame_hdr[0] == chr(255)
mpeg_version = ''
layer_desc = ''
uses_crc = False
bitrate = 0
sample_rate = 0
padding = False
frame_length = 0
if is_valid:
is_valid = ord(frame_hdr[1]) & 0xe0 == 0xe0 # validate the rest of the frame_sync bits exist
if is_valid:
if ord(frame_hdr[1]) & 0x18 == 0:
mpeg_version = '2.5'
elif ord(frame_hdr[1]) & 0x18 == 0x10:
mpeg_version = '2'
elif ord(frame_hdr[1]) & 0x18 == 0x18:
mpeg_version = '1'
is_valid = False
if is_valid:
if ord(frame_hdr[1]) & 6 == 2:
layer_desc = 'Layer III'
elif ord(frame_hdr[1]) & 6 == 4:
layer_desc = 'Layer II'
elif ord(frame_hdr[1]) & 6 == 6:
layer_desc = 'Layer I'
is_valid = False
if is_valid:
uses_crc = ord(frame_hdr[1]) & 1 == 0
bitrate_chart = [
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[32, 32, 32, 32, 8],
[64, 48, 40, 48, 16],
[96, 56, 48, 56, 24],
[128, 64, 56, 64, 32],
[160, 80, 64, 80, 40],
[192, 96, 80, 96, 40],
[224, 112, 96, 112, 56],
[256, 128, 112, 128, 64],
[288, 160, 128, 144, 80],
[320, 192, 160, 160, 96],
[352, 224, 192, 176, 112],
[384, 256, 224, 192, 128],
[416, 320, 256, 224, 144],
[448, 384, 320, 256, 160]]
bitrate_index = ord(frame_hdr[2]) >> 4
if bitrate_index == 15:
is_valid = False
bitrate_col = 0
if mpeg_version == '1':
if layer_desc == 'Layer I':
bitrate_col = 0
elif layer_desc == 'Layer II':
bitrate_col = 1
bitrate_col = 2
if layer_desc == 'Layer I':
bitrate_col = 3
bitrate_col = 4
bitrate = bitrate_chart[bitrate_index][bitrate_col]
is_valid = bitrate > 0
if is_valid:
sample_rate_chart = [
[44100, 22050, 11025],
[48000, 24000, 12000],
[32000, 16000, 8000]]
sample_rate_index = (ord(frame_hdr[2]) & 0xc) >> 2
if sample_rate_index != 3:
sample_rate_col = 0
if mpeg_version == '1':
sample_rate_col = 0
elif mpeg_version == '2':
sample_rate_col = 1
sample_rate_col = 2
sample_rate = sample_rate_chart[sample_rate_index][sample_rate_col]
is_valid = False
if is_valid:
padding = ord(frame_hdr[2]) & 1 == 1
padding_length = 0
if layer_desc == 'Layer I':
if padding:
padding_length = 4
frame_length = (12 * bitrate * 1000 / sample_rate + padding_length) * 4
if padding:
padding_length = 1
frame_length = 144 * bitrate * 1000 / sample_rate + padding_length
is_valid = frame_length > 0
# Verify the next frame
if (frame_start + frame_length < len(block)):
is_valid = block[frame_start + frame_length] == chr(255)
offset = (frame_start + frame_length) - len(block)
block =
if len(block) > offset:
is_valid = block[offset] == chr(255)
is_valid = False
return is_valid
#You can remove this part if you don't want the deletion part. Hope it helps
for file, dir, files in os.walk("download"):
for f in files:
if not isMp3Valid("{}/{}".format(file, f)):
os.remove("{}/{}".format(file, f))
except Exception as e: