I am writing unit tests for my my Web API and cannot get the test to pass except by removing the include (eager-loading from the method). I am using the in-memory database to provide the dbcontext
and can't figure out why it is returning no data. Thanks in advance for any help or constructive criticism
This is the method I am trying to test.
Note: it passes the test if I comment out the .include
public async Task<LibraryAsset> GetAsset(int assetId)
var asset = await _context.LibraryAssets
.Include(p => p.Photo)
.Include(p => p.Category)
.Include(a => a.AssetType)
.Include(s => s.Status)
.Include(s => s.Author)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == assetId);
return asset;
This is the base DbContext
using the inMemory DB:
public DataContext GetDbContext()
var builder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<DataContext>();
if (useSqlite)
// Use Sqlite DB.
builder.UseSqlite("DataSource=:memory:", x => { });
// Use In-Memory DB.
var DataContext = new DataContext(builder.Options);
if (useSqlite)
// SQLite needs to open connection to the DB.
// Not required for in-memory-database and MS SQL.
return DataContext;
This is the test:
public async void GetAssetById_ExistingAsset_ReturnAsset()
using (var context = GetDbContext())
ILogger<LibraryAssetService> logger = new
var service = new LibraryAssetService(context, _logger);
var asset = new LibraryAsset
Id = 40,
NumberOfCopies = 20,
Title = "",
Year = 1992,
Status = new Status { Id = 1 },
AssetType = new AssetType { Id = 1 },
Author = new Author { Id = 1 },
Category = new Category { Id = 2 },
Photo = new AssetPhoto { Id = 1 }
var actual = await service.GetAsset(40);
Assert.Equal(40, actual.Id);
This is my first time writing unit tests and I am basically learning as I go. Please feel free to point out any other mistakes that you may have noticed as well.