I have a EmailScreen
(stateful widget) that has a text input, and a button. The button is only enabled when a valid email is input.
I'm using Bloc, and my screen has InitialEmailState
and ValidEmailInputState
, and it works fine when I run the app.
In my widget test, the second expectation is failing before bloc has a chance to update the state:
testWidgets('when valid email is input, button is enabled', (tester) async {
const validEmail = '[email protected]';
emailBloc.listen((event) {
print('NEW EVENT: ' + event.toString());
await bootUpWidget(tester, emailScreen);
final BottomButton button = tester.widget(
find.widgetWithText(BottomButton, 'CONTINUE'));
expect(button.enabled, isFalse);
await tester.enterText(find.byType(TextInputScreen), validEmail);
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(button.enabled, isTrue);
And here's the output I'm getting:
NEW EVENT: InitialEmailState
══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY FLUTTER TEST FRAMEWORK ╞════════════════════════════════════════════════════
The following TestFailure object was thrown running a test:
Expected: true
Actual: <false>
The test description was:
when valid email is input, button is enabled
Test failed. See exception logs above.
The test description was: when valid email is input, button is enabled
NEW EVENT: InputValidEmailState
✖ when valid email is input, button is enabled
Exited (1)
As you can see, it prints the initial state, fails the second expectation, and then prints the expected state.
Thanks in advance :)
== UPDATE ==
We managed to get this to work by adding LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding();
to the start of our main. But it doesn't feel like a good solution.