I need some help.
What is the best way to set up LIVE STREAMING over the web from my WEBCAM to the server and back to multiple users?
Essentially I'm trying to create a group video chat application that can support many users.
I don't want it to be peer to peer webRTC.
I actually managed to make it work with getUserMedia() -> mediaRecorder -> ondataavailable -> pass blob chunks to node.js via SOCKET.IO -> socket.io sends back blob chunks to other connected users -> append those chunks to a sourceBuffer that's connected to a mediaSource that's set as the source URL on a
And it actually worked! BUT it's so slow and laggy and resource intensive. As these chunks get passed like 20 per second and it's slowing the page a lot. I don't think you're supposed to pass that many blobs to the sourceBuffer so quickly. Just for a test I tried saving mediaRecordings every 3 seconds (so it's not that resource intensive) and passing those webm blobs to the sourceBuffer but for some reason only the first webm loads, and the other ones don't get added or start playing.
It just can't work for a production app this way.
What's the "RIGHT" way to do this?
How to pass a video stream from webcam to a Node.js server properly?
And how to stream this live stream back to the web from the Node.js server so that we can have a group video chat?
I'm a bit lost. Please help.
Do I use HLS? RecordRTC?
Do I stream from Node.js via http or via socket.io?
There are services that already let you do that easily like vonage video api tokbox but those seem to be very expensive?
I want to run the video streaming through my own Node.js server that I control.
What's the best way to do this?
Please help.
Thank you