I have noticed that the formating of several countries (Poland, Russia, France and more) follows a strange behaviour. The format starts to apply on values with more that 4 digits. You can see it in the code below.
Unfortunately I haven't found any international standards for that and I have seen that in other programing languages the format for this countries starts from the 4th digit.
I am wondering if the Intl.NumberFormat follows the correct formatting standards.
const simpleFormat = new Intl.NumberFormat('pl-PL', {
style: 'decimal'});
let short = simpleFormat.format(1234);
let long = simpleFormat.format(12345);
Expected output:
1 234
12 345
and12 345
. – Halinahalite1234
), but you do for 5-digit ones (12 345
). While I haven't traced down the official spec here, I wouldn't find it surprising if Polish did something similar. – Nuthatch