I'm trying to use kubernetes-alpha provider in Terraform, but I have "Failed to construct REST client" error message. I'm using tfk8s to convert my yaml file to terraform code.
I make the seme declaration for the provider than kubernetes, and my kubernetes provider work correctely
provider "kubernetes-alpha" {
host = "https://${data.google_container_cluster.primary.endpoint}"
token = data.google_client_config.default.access_token
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(data.google_container_cluster.primary.master_auth[0].cluster_ca_certificate)
provider "kubernetes" {
host = "https://${data.google_container_cluster.primary.endpoint}"
token = data.google_client_config.default.access_token
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(data.google_container_cluster.primary.master_auth[0].cluster_ca_certificate)
resource "kubernetes_manifest" "exemple" {
provider = kubernetes-alpha
manifest = {
# result of tfk8s
somebody can help ?