I've been thinking about this issue recently and I came up with the following:
You could separate the data layer consumption on a use-case, and given its interface, on the presentation layer, you could have a hook that receives this use-case as a parameter (dependency inversion principle). By doing this, you might be able to not only segregate the react-query to the presentation layer but react itself. Finally, this hook can be used on any component by receiving the use-case as a prop.
In order to illustrate my thoughts, imagine the following scenario where we have an authentication flow:
First of all, on my data layer, I can have an Authentication use case, that exports all the methods needed, let's suppose it follows the interface below:
# data/use-cases/authentication.ts
export interface TAuthentication {
baseAuth: (params: { username: string, password: string }) => TUser
Where the baseAuth method implementation is the usage of the authentication service using some sort of client, HTTP for example.
On the presentation layer, we could now do the following:
# presentation/hooks/use-authentication.ts
import { useMutation } from 'react-query'
import { QUERY_KEYS } from 'constants/query-keys'
import type { TAuthentication } from 'domain/use-cases/authentication'
export type UseAuthenticationProps = {
authentication: TAuthentication
export function useAuthentication({ authentication }: UseAuthenticationProps) {
const baseAuthMudation = useMutation(QUERY_KEYS.BASE_AUTH_KEY, authentication.baseAuth)
return {
baseAuth: baseAuthMutation,
Finally, at some component that consumes this hook, we could do the following:
# presentation/pages/SignInPage
import { useAuthentication } from '../../hooks/use-authentication'
import type { TAuthentication } from 'domain/use-cases/authentication'
export type SignInPageProps = {
authentication: TAuthentication
export function SignInPage({ authentication }: SignInPageProps) {
const { baseAuth } = useAuthentication({ authentication })
const handleOnSubmit = async (params: { username: string, password: string }) => {
await baseAuth(params)
I still need to give this architecture a shot, but until now, it's the best that I could come up with ;).