I'm having trouble understanding the behavior of the estimated query plans for my statement in SQL Server when a change from a parameterized query to a non-parameterized query.
I have the following query:
DECLARE @p0 UniqueIdentifier = '1fc66e37-6eaf-4032-b374-e7b60fbd25ea'
SELECT [t5].[value2] AS [Date], [t5].[value] AS [New]
SELECT COUNT(*) AS [value], [t4].[value] AS [value2]
SELECT CONVERT(DATE, [t3].[ServerTime]) AS [value]
SELECT [t0].[CookieID]
FROM [dbo].[Usage] AS [t0]
WHERE ([t0].[CookieID] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t0].[ProductID] = @p0)
GROUP BY [t0].[CookieID]
) AS [t1]
SELECT TOP (1) [t2].[ServerTime]
FROM [dbo].[Usage] AS [t2]
WHERE ((([t1].[CookieID] IS NULL) AND ([t2].[CookieID] IS NULL))
OR (([t1].[CookieID] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t2].[CookieID] IS NOT NULL)
AND ([t1].[CookieID] = [t2].[CookieID])))
AND ([t2].[CookieID] IS NOT NULL)
AND ([t2].[ProductID] = @p0)
ORDER BY [t2].[ServerTime]
) AS [t3]
) AS [t4]
GROUP BY [t4].[value]
) AS [t5]
ORDER BY [t5].[value2]
This query is generated by a Linq2SQL expression and extracted from LINQPad. This produces a nice query plan (as far as I can tell) and executes in about 10 seconds on the database. However, if I replace the two uses of parameters with the exact value, that is replace the two '= @p0' parts with '= '1fc66e37-6eaf-4032-b374-e7b60fbd25ea' ' I get a different estimated query plan and the query now runs much longer (more than 60 seconds, haven't seen it through).
Why is it that performing the seemingly innocent replacement produces a much less efficient query plan and execution? I have cleared the procedure cache with 'DBCC FreeProcCache' to ensure that I was not caching a bad plan, but the behavior remains.
My real problem is that I can live with the 10 seconds execution time (at least for a good while) but I can't live with the 60+ sec execution time. My query will (as hinted above) by produced by Linq2SQL so it is executed on the database as
exec sp_executesql N'
WHERE ([t0].[CookieID] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t0].[ProductID] = @p0)
AND ([t2].[ProductID] = @p0)
',N'@p0 uniqueidentifier',@p0='1FC66E37-6EAF-4032-B374-E7B60FBD25EA'
which produces the same poor execution time (which I think is doubly strange since this seems to be using parameterized queries.
I'm not looking for advise on which indexes to create or the like, I'm just trying to understand why the query plan and execution are so dissimilar on three seemingly similar queries.
EDIT: I have uploaded execution plans for the non-parameterized and the parameterized query as well as an execution plan for a parameterized query (as suggested by Heinz) with a different GUID here
Hope it helps you help me :)
– Gimel