I have a parent class that has an overloaded constructor, and I have a subclass that has a constructor with optional parameters. Is there a way to have the subclass's constructors still expose the overloaded-ness of the parent class while preserving it's own optional parameters?
Here's some example code of the two classes and their required constructors:
class Foo {
Foo(String arg0)
// do some stuff with arg0
Foo(String arg0, List<x> arg1)
: this(arg0)
// do some other stuff with arg1 that is special because we have an arg1
class Bar : Foo {
Bar(String arg0, List<y> arg2 = null, String arg3 = "")
: base(arg0)
// some third thing with arg2 and arg3
This is the method signature for the other subclass constructor I would like to also have to expose the overload of the parent constructor, but the question is how to do it:
Bar(String arg0, List<x> arg1, List<y> arg2 = null, String arg3 = "")
I have, I think, found a solution, but I am not sure it is as clean as it could be. I have posted it as an answer just in case it is the only option.
to just have one constructorFoo(String arg0, List<x> arg1 = null)
? Or do you need to distinguish between passing null and not passing a value at all? – Arlinda