Scenario: Trying to extract and rearange information from one database to an other. DB A has some data I want to get. I want to store it on DB B in a slightly different structure.
DB A I get using an EDMX database generated model so it uses a derivative of ObjectContext. DB B I would like to be Code generated. So I use the code/model first approach by installing EntityFramework 4.1 via Package manager. So DB B uses a DbContext derivative
When I try to store information from DB A to DB B it's says:
Test method RoutIT.Irma.Import.Service.Test.ImportIrma2ProductTests.ImportProducts threw exception: System.ArgumentException: Could not find the conceptual model type for 'Some entity in DB A's EDMX model'
It actually does it when adding a DB B entity to the DB B's Derived DbContext's DbSet property. So the code is like
using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required))
foreach (FirstPVC pvc in pvcs)
this._irmaImport.FirstPVCs.Add(pvc); <--
It happens at the point in the code marked by the arrow above ("<--")
FirstPVC is a DB B property yet at the point of the arrow it complanes about not having a conceptual model for an entity belonging to DB B's context.
This is strange since I try to store an DB B entity to the DB B context. Why should it care about entity's of DB A.
All contexts are contained in the same project. But DB B's Derived DbContext only has knowledge about it's own DbSet<> properties, suddenly when trying to add something to the DbSet<> property it give me the error in bold above.
Anybody know why this happens? Why should DbContext care about entity's of another context specifically one of a ObjectContext derived class.
Perhapse it's usefull to note the entity it's complaining about looks a bit like this
[EdmEntityTypeAttribute(NamespaceName="Irma2Model", Name="AccessProvider")]
public partial class AccessProvider : EntityObject
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