I try to concatenate 2 PDF data from rdlc report.
The problem is the result is blank pages.
I don't know why, could someone help me please.
here is my code:
private ActionResult ConcatPdf(byte[] pdfData1, byte[] pdfData2)
MemoryStream ms1 = new MemoryStream(pdfData1);
MemoryStream ms2 = new MemoryStream(pdfData2);
PdfDocument inputDoc1 = PdfReader.Open(ms1, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);
PdfDocument inputDoc2 = PdfReader.Open(ms2, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);
PdfDocument outputDoc = new PdfDocument();
foreach (PdfPage page in inputDoc1.Pages)
foreach (PdfPage page in inputDoc2.Pages)
MemoryStream outputMs = new MemoryStream();
return File(outputMs.ToArray(), "application/pdf");
In generate report function look like this:
public ActionResult TestPDF(int id)
// Set report path.
LocalReport rep = viewer.LocalReport;
rep.ReportPath = Server.MapPath("~/Reports/rptExternalTransferIndividual.rdlc");
// Set data and parameter to report.
return ConcatPdf(viewer.LocalReport.Render("PDF"), viewer.LocalReport.Render("PDF"));
for me. – Daiquiri