During regular intervals of my program, a block (of 3 stacked) widgets need to be added to a horizontal layout. Since the widgets within each block are important to eachother, I wish to encapsulate each stack as it's own widget (making the layout adding business much easier).
I'm having trouble getting PyQt4 to recognise my 'stack' as a widget.
I made the widget stack in Qt Designer (as form: widget) and converted it to a .py via
'pyuic4 DesignerFile.ui > ClassFile.py'.
Now I can't seem to add this 'stack' (parent widget of 3 child widgets) to the layout via .addWidget( Class ).
I tried constructing a super class of the stack class (because I need to add more functionality to the stack) but the instance of the class is either...
- Not recognised as a widget
- Invisible
- defective because I've no idea on how to structure the super class.
Here's what I'm failing with at the moment (though it's about the 8th class structure I've tried):
from ClassFile import ClassCode
class Stack(ClassCode):
def __init__(self,parent= None):
Could somebody help me structure this or lead me to some good examples?
(I've mimicked the code in both the following sources but with no avail!!
http://zetcode.com/tutorials/pyqt4/customwidgets/ )
python 2.7.2
Windows 7