Recently we started using New Relic to monitor our production webapp hosted in tomcat 7.0.6 server but we have observed that memory footprint of this tomcat is increasing continuously and within a week it eats up all the server(AWS High-Memory Double Extra Large Instance) memory and become unresponsive, only way to get it back is by restarting it. We provide Xms & Xmx arguments while starting the tomcat but within few hours memory usage of tomcat process cross Xmx value and it keeps on increasing until all the server memory is over. Here is process command:
-classpath /xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/apache-tomcat-7.0.6/bin/bootstrap.jar:/xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/apache-tomcat-7.0.6/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
-Dcatalina.home=/xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/apache-tomcat-7.0.6 org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start"
Ideally I would expect this process not to use more than 8GB of memory but within hours it goes above 10GB and within few days it goes above 20GB and everything else on this server suffers because of it(I use 'top' to see memory usage). How is this possible?