im developin QT application, and i need to include pure C code. When i compile this code in code::blocks it was successful, maybe one warning, but when i try to compile it in QT creator, i get these 4 errors.
cannot convert 'char*' to 'WCHAR*' for argument '1' to 'UINT GetSystemDirectoryW(WCHAR*, UINT)'
cannot convert 'char*' to 'const WCHAR*' for argument '1' to 'HINSTANCE__* LoadLibraryW(const WCHAR*)'
cannot convert 'char*' to 'WCHAR*' for argument '1' to 'BOOL
cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const WCHAR*' for argument '2' to 'LONG RegQueryValueExW(HKEY__*, const WCHAR*, DWORD*, DWORD*, BYTE*, DWORD*)'
and the code is here>
char systemDirectory[MAX_PATH];
GetSystemDirectory(systemDirectory, MAX_PATH); //first error
char kbdLayoutFilePath[MAX_PATH];
kbdLibrary = LoadLibrary(kbdLayoutFilePath); //second error
char kbdName[KL_NAMELENGTH];
GetKeyboardLayoutName(kbdName); //third error
if(RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "Layout File", NULL, &varType, layoutFile, &bufferSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) //fourth error
i also use snprintf function, so i cant just change the type from char to WCHAR, because then it wont compile the snprintf
snprintf(kbdKeyPath, 51 + KL_NAMELENGTH,
"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Keyboard Layouts\\%s", kbdName);
So do you have any ideas how to fix it ? first i tried change type from char to WCHAR, but then the snprintf didnt work, so i tried to use swprinf, but with no success, since strangely it didnt find this function
int swprintf(wchar_t *wcs, size_t maxlen,
const wchar_t *format, ...);
but just this
int swprintf(wchar_t *wcs,
const wchar_t *format, ...);
so what are my option ? How to compile pure C code in c++ environment without any errors... or how to make the right type conversion.