I want to generate the following graph in Graphviz:
For reasons explained here, this:
overlap = true;
node[shape=record, height="0.4", width="0.4"];
A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I;
A -> B -> C;
D -> E -> F;
G -> H -> I;
A -> D -> G;
subgraph clusterX
label="Cluster 1";
A; B;
subgraph clusterY
label="Cluster 2";
E; F; H; I;
produces this:
Following some careful tweaking of the order of appearance of nodes:
F; E; I; H; D; G; A; B; C;
I get the correct result.
While this works, I would like more direct control over the placement of nodes, so I tried switching to neato so that I can force the node locations using pos:
graph g
node[shape=record, height="0.4", width="0.4"];
A [pos="1,3!"];
B [pos="2,3!"];
C [pos="3,3!"];
D [pos="1,2!"];
E [pos="2,2!"];
F [pos="3,2!"];
G [pos="1,1!"];
H [pos="2,1!"];
I [pos="3,1!"];
A -- B -- C;
D -- E -- F;
G -- H -- I;
A -- D -- G;
subgraph clusterX
label="Cluster 1";
subgraph clusterY
label="Cluster 2";
E; F; H; I;
This gives the following result:
How can I get neato to add padding between the cluster boundaries and the nodes within the cluster (in the same way that dot does)?