How to convert result table to JSON array in MySQL
Asked Answered



I'd like to convert result table to JSON array in MySQL using preferably only plain MySQL commands. For example with query

SELECT name, phone FROM person;

| name | phone |
| Jack | 12345 |
| John | 23455 |

the expected JSON output would be

    "name": "Jack",
    "phone": 12345
    "name": "John",
    "phone": 23455

Is there way to do that in plain MySQL?


There are some answers how to do this with e.g. MySQL and PHP, but I couldn't find pure MySQL solution.

Sweven answered 20/1, 2017 at 8:10 Comment(8)
A combination of GROUP_CONCAT and CONCATVerret
How are you running this query?Paragraph
At the moment I'm running this from mysql console and bash scripts to export some specific data.Sweven
I could think many useful cases for this. For example, querying some JSON data from database and piping it to POST request.Sweven
though a bit late, I think the answers should have mentioned this, json_object works only for MySQL 5.7 and higherCertes
@Strawberry - one use case is to easily generate test data to use as input to a module that requires json as input. Or any other "one-off" task where the requirement is to produce json. In my case, I've already got the mysql database sitting there, and various sql query snippets. Just remote in via phpmyadmin or mysql workbench, and tweak the query to produce json. Don't need to connect php to the db...Duro
@toolmakersteve Cheers; I've been waiting 2 years for that little nuggetPosner
@Posner The use case I'm currently investigating is to update a JSON column in table A using the result of a query against table B. Formatting data as JSON allows you to do this in a single query.Amazonite

New solution:

Built using Your great comments, thanks!

SELECT JSON_ARRAYAGG(JSON_OBJECT('name', name, 'phone', phone)) from Person;

Old solution:

With help from @Schwern I managed to put up this query, which seems to work!

    GROUP_CONCAT(JSON_OBJECT('name', name, 'phone', phone)),
FROM person;
Sweven answered 20/1, 2017 at 9:28 Comment(11)
If you're using the mysql client, you can use --json instead then it will work on any query.Paragraph
Ouput may be truncated due to group_concat_max_len #26554323Southbound
Why not use, JSON_ARRAY(JSON_OBJECT('name', name, 'phone', phone)) instead?Dionysus
@Dionysus the output from your proposition seems to be a collection of lists: [{"name": "Jack", "phone": "12345"}] [{"name": "John", "phone": "23455"}] (see this example)Sweven
@Dionysus Instead of JSON_ARRAY rather JSON_ARRAYAGGAfricander
@CsabaToth Thanks for your input, I added new solution which is really neat! 💪Sweven
@Paragraph Link is dead. Moreover trying to use --json results in unknown option for me on version 5.7.18.Rhizopod
@GiacomoAlzetta It's for the MySQL shell, mysqlsh, distinct from the MySQL client.…Paragraph
Wow this is the most amazing stuff I've seen for quite a while! Thank you so much!Aether
what if there are lot of columns in table and mentioning each column name is rigorous task, how to handle this??Unfair
JSON_ARRAYGG won't work older than v5.7.22 as docs says.Aperture

You can use json_object to get rows as JSON objects.

SELECT json_object('name', name, 'phone', phone)
FROM person;

This won't put them in an array, or put commas between them. You'll have to do that in the code which is fetching them.

Paragraph answered 20/1, 2017 at 8:29 Comment(4)
Thanks, this is already very near! I'm still experimenting on how to construct an array from these object.Sweven
I got this ERROR 1305 (42000): FUNCTION mydb.JSON_OBJECT does not exist error. How can I ensure this function exists?Lura
@AnthonyKong what version are you using? json_object can only be use in 5.7 and higher..Penultimate
I prefer this over the selected "right" answer as it returns each entry as it's own row. With this you can stream results back.Avery

If you're stuck on MySQL 5.6 like me, try this:

               '{"name":"', name, '"',
               ',"phone":"', phone, '"}'
    ) as json
FROM person
Trochaic answered 30/6, 2020 at 13:25 Comment(4)
Thanks for the solution for older versions of mysqlLowboy
should probably escape any quotes in the strings themselvesHeliotaxis
This worked for me, but indeed like @GarrGodfrey is saying you'll need to manually escape backslashes (do that one first before adding more backslashes), quotes, new-line/carriage returns, etc.Alphitomancy
As well, group_concat() returns null when even just one of the values is null. So in the above example, if phone is null but name is not, the entire query will return null. So be sure to place ',"phone":"', ifnull(phone, ''), '"}' if you want empty strings or ',"phone":', ifnull(concat('"', phone, '"'), 'null'), '}' if you want null in the JSON. Finally. group_concat() by default has a max length of 1024 chars. You can set it higher with set @@group_concat_max_len = 100000;Alphitomancy

There are two "group by" functions for JSON called json_arrayagg, json_objectagg.

This problem can be solved with:

SELECT json_arrayagg(
          json_object('name', name), 
          json_object('phone', phone)
) FROM person;

This requires MySQL 5.7+.

Jealous answered 6/2, 2019 at 20:36 Comment(0)

If you need a nested JSON Array Object, you can join JSON_OBJECT with json_arrayagg as below:

    "nome": "Moon",
    "resumo": "This is a resume.",
    "dt_inicial": "2018-09-01",
    "v.dt_final": null,
    "data": [
            "unidade": "unit_1",
            "id_unidade": 9310
            "unidade": "unit_2",
            "id_unidade": 11290
            "unidade": "unit_3",
            "id_unidade": 13544
            "unidade": "unit_4",
            "id_unidade": 13608

You can also do it like this:

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `get_lst_caso`(
IN `codigo` int,
IN `cod_base` int)


        'nome', v.nome, 
        'dt_inicial', v.dt_inicial, 
        'v.dt_final', v.dt_final, 
        'resumo', v.resumo,
        'data', ( select json_arrayagg(json_object(
                            from tb_caso_unidade
                                INNER JOIN tb_unidades ON tb_caso_unidade.cod_unidade = tb_unidades.id_unidade
                            WHERE tb_caso_unidade.cod_caso = codigo)
    ) INTO json
    FROM v_caso AS v
    WHERE v.codigo = codigo and v.cod_base = cod_base;
    SELECT json;
Rehabilitation answered 12/7, 2020 at 22:19 Comment(1)
I have error Error Code: 1582. Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'json_object' query: SELECT v.*, p.*, (select json_arrayagg(json_object(size, sku, quantity)) from variant where variation_id = and product_id = as variant FROM variation v join product p on v.product_id =;Pain

For most situations, I use DataGreap, but for big tables, it is not work.

My GIST shell script

Unknot answered 31/1, 2023 at 15:56 Comment(1)
Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. Please edit to add further details, such as citations or documentation, so that others can confirm that your answer is correct. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.Welbie

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