I am facing a problem in understanding what the new camera matrix in cvUndistortpoints
. We get a camera matrix of camera in stereocalibration itself and why we have to pass a new cameramatrix in cvstereorectify which we obtain from cvundistortpoints. How exactly new camera matrix different from camera matrix after the output of cvUndistortPoints
void cvUndistortPoints(const CvMat* src, CvMat* dst, const CvMat* cameraMatrix,
const CvMat* distCoeffs, const CvMat* R=NULL, const CvMat* P=NULL)
The reference link is here: https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/da/d54/group__imgproc__transform.html#ga55c716492470bfe86b0ee9bf3a1f0f7e