I am trying to send mail with the gmail smtp in pharo with zodiac in CentOS machine. I am receiving the following error.
"SSL/TLS plugin initialization failed. VM missing plugin? "
I had downloaded and put the "so.SqueakSSL" in the virtual machine directory along with other .so files and used "chmod 777 so.SqueakSSL" . But still showing the error.Am I missing something ? The workspace code is:
Gofer it
squeaksource: 'Zodiac';
package: 'Zodiac-Core';
package: 'Zodiac-Tests';
package: 'Zodiac-Extra';
"Load extra Zinc support for Zodiac"
Gofer it
squeaksource: 'ZincHTTPComponents';
package: 'Zinc-Zodiac';
| mailMessage |
mailMessage := MailMessage empty.
mailMessage setField: 'subject' toString: 'ZdcSecureSMTPClient Test'.
mailMessage body: (MIMEDocument
contentType: 'text/plain'
content: 'This is test from Pharo Smalltalk').
sendUsingGMailAccount: '[email protected]'
password: 'mypassword'
to: '[email protected]'
message: mailMessage.