For the highest performance with concurrently executing units, write your own thread pool, where a pool of Thread objects are created at start up and go to blocking (formerly suspended), waiting on a context to run (an object with a standard interface implemented by your code).
So many articles about Tasks vs. Threads vs. the .NET ThreadPool fail to really give you what you need to make a decision for performance. But when you compare them, Threads win out and especially a pool of Threads. They are distributed the best across CPUs and they start up faster.
What should be discussed is the fact that the main execution unit of Windows (including Windows 10) is a thread, and OS context switching overhead is usually negligible. Simply put, I have not been able to find convincing evidence of many of these articles, whether the article claims higher performance by saving context switching or better CPU usage.
Now for a bit of realism:
Most of us won’t need our application to be deterministic, and most of us do not have a hard-knocks background with threads, which for instance often comes with developing an operating system. What I wrote above is not for a beginner.
So what may be most important is to discuss is what is easy to program.
If you create your own thread pool, you’ll have a bit of writing to do as you’ll need to be concerned with tracking execution status, how to simulate suspend and resume, and how to cancel execution – including in an application-wide shut down. You might also have to be concerned with whether you want to dynamically grow your pool and also what capacity limitation your pool will have. I can write such a framework in an hour but that is because I’ve done it so many times.
Perhaps the easiest way to write an execution unit is to use a Task. The beauty of a Task is that you can create one and kick it off in-line in your code (though caution may be warranted). You can pass a cancellation token to handle when you want to cancel the Task. Also, it uses the promise approach to chaining events, and you can have it return a specific type of value. Moreover, with async and await, more options exist and your code will be more portable.
In essence, it is important to understand the pros and cons with Tasks vs. Threads vs. the .NET ThreadPool. If I need high performance, I am going to use threads, and I prefer using my own pool.
An easy way to compare is start up 512 Threads, 512 Tasks, and 512 ThreadPool threads. You’ll find a delay in the beginning with Threads (hence, why write a thread pool), but all 512 Threads will be running in a few seconds while Tasks and .NET ThreadPool threads take up to a few minutes to all start.
Below are the results of such a test (i5 quad core with 16 GB of RAM), giving each 30 seconds to run. The code executed performs simple file I/O on an SSD drive.
Test Results