I would like to suppress the output of helper variables in Scala worksheet:
val sqs = scen.rssis.toSeq.filter { case (ap,s) =>
s.exists(e => e.epoch > 1) }.sortBy { -_._2.length }.take(10)
//> sqs :
// *snip* a lot of stuff I'd rather not have
//| Output exceeds cutoff limit.
sqs foreach { case (api,s) =>
println(f"${scen.aps(api).ssid}%-10s ${s.length}% 5d")
} //> 2WIRE230 74
//| 2WIRE736 74
//| Jamie56 73
//| VVHOA 69
//| 2WIRE059 68
//| Rainsnet 68
//| 2WIRE519 67
//| 2WIRE604 65
//| neo_vex_24 63
//| ALEMANIA7 63
Is there a way to suppress the output of the assignment in Scala worksheet?
import helper._
. 2. Write macro to do it for us... – Tertial