You have probably already solved this or moved on. But for all those that are attempting something similar I will leave this here for them. In order to access security scoped bookmarks in a different app they have to be transferred as NSData and re-resolved in the other application.
In my case I show an open dialog in the main application and then save the scoped bookmark into a shared NSUserDefaults
suite. The other applications are also part of that suite and then access the container of NSData
's and resolve them into usable NSURL
Here are the relevant bits of code:
//Inside my main application's open function
... get url from NSOpenPanel
//Inside BookmarkUtils.swift
static func saveURLForOtherApplications(url:NSURL)->Bool{
let defaults = NSUserDefaults(suiteName: <#Suite-Name#>)!
//I store them as a dictionary of path->encoded URL
let sandboxedBookmarks:NSMutableDictionary
if let prevBookmarks = defaults.objectForKey(kSandboxKey) as? NSDictionary{
sandboxedBookmarks = NSMutableDictionary(dictionary:prevBookmarks)
sandboxedBookmarks = NSMutableDictionary()
if let shareData = BookmarkUtils.transportDataForSecureFileURL(url){
sandboxedBookmarks.setObject(shareData, forKey:url.path!)
defaults.setObject(sandboxedBookmarks, forKey:kSandboxKey)
return true
println("Failed to save URL Data");
return false
static func transportDataForSecureFileURL(fileURL:NSURL)->NSData?{
// use normal bookmark for encoding security-scoped URLs for transport between applications
var error:NSError? = nil
if let data = fileURL.bookmarkDataWithOptions(NSURLBookmarkCreationOptions.allZeros, includingResourceValuesForKeys:nil, relativeToURL:nil, error:&error){
return data;
println("Error creating transport data!\(error)")
return nil
So then in my extension (Today view in my case) I do something like this...
class TodayViewController: ...
override func viewDidLoad() {
var status = [MyCoolObjects]()
for url in BookmarkUtils.sharedURLSFromApp(){
self.listViewController.contents = status
And the relevant bookmark looks something like:
static func sharedURLSFromApp()->[NSURL]{
var urls = [NSURL]()
if let defaults = NSUserDefaults(suiteName: <#Suite-Name#>){
if let prevBookmarks = defaults.objectForKey(kSandboxKey) as? NSDictionary{
for key in prevBookmarks.allKeys{
if let transportData = prevBookmarks[key as! NSString] as? NSData{
if let url = secureFileURLFromTransportData(transportData){
return urls
static func secureFileURLFromTransportData(data:NSData)->NSURL?{
// use normal bookmark for decoding security-scoped URLs received from another application
var bookmarkIsStale:ObjCBool = false;
var error:NSError? = nil;
if let fileURL = NSURL(byResolvingBookmarkData: data, options: NSURLBookmarkResolutionOptions.WithoutUI, relativeToURL: nil, bookmarkDataIsStale: &bookmarkIsStale, error: &error){
return fileURL
else if(bookmarkIsStale){
println("Bookmark was stale....")
else if let resolveError = error{
println("Error resolving from transport data:\(resolveError)")
return nil
This solution works for me. Once you resolve the shared URL you can then create a bookmark for that application and save it for later if so desired.There may be better ways out there, hopefully Apple works on this as it is currently painful to share permissions with extensions.