We have a PostgreSQL 8.4 database containing user sessions with login date/time and logout date/time per row. Our web application records this time and also handles the case when user does not logout explicitly (session timeout). So a login date/time and logout date/time are given in every case.
I need user statistics of the max number of concurrent sessions a day. So, I can say the following: "At 2015-03-16 the peak of concurrent users logged in was six."
Similar questions
A similar question has been answered here: SQL max concurrent sessions per hour of day However, I was unable to adapt the solution to my case, where I want to have a result table, which shows the max. number of concurrent user sessions per day and not per hour. The table scheme varies also slightly, because one row in my case contains the login and the logout date/time together, whereas in the example each row represent either a login or a logout. In addition, the question is based on a MS SQL database environment instead of PostgreSQL.
- Sessions of different users can overlap
- A user might have recurring sessions, which only should count once (group by username)
- The table scheme of the session table looks as follows
Table scheme:
user_id | login_date | login_time | logout_date | logout_time
USER32 | 2014-03-03 | 08:23:00 | 2014-03-03 | 14:44:00
USER82 | 2014-03-03 | 08:49:00 | 2014-03-03 | 17:18:00
USER83 | 2014-03-03 | 09:40:00 | 2014-03-03 | 17:31:00
USER36 | 2014-03-03 | 09:50:00 | 2014-03-03 | 16:10:00
USER37 | 2014-03-03 | 11:44:00 | 2014-03-03 | 15:21:00
USER72 | 2014-03-03 | 12:52:00 | 2014-03-03 | 12:55:00
Following example illustrated as timeline via Google Charts API should help understand the problem:
Given this example of a day 2015-03-03, all users except of USER78 (6 users) were logged in between 12:52 and 12:55 that day. This is the max number of concurrently logged in users and I need such a statistic per day for a given time range.
Day | MaxNumberOfConcurrentSessions
2015-03-01 | 2
2015-03-02 | 3
2015-03-03 | 6
Example of timeline screenshot above as Google Charts API.
function drawChart() {
var container = document.getElementById('example5.1');
var chart = new google.visualization.Timeline(container);
var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable();
dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'string', id: 'Room' });
dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'string', id: 'Name' });
dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'date', id: 'Start' });
dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'date', id: 'End' });
["USER78", '', new Date(2014,03,03,20,38), new Date(2014,03,03,21,14)],
["USER83", '', new Date(2014,03,03,09,40), new Date(2014,03,03,17,31)],
["USER72", '', new Date(2014,03,03,08,43), new Date(2014,03,03,08,43)],
["USER72", '', new Date(2014,03,03,09,40), new Date(2014,03,03,09,40)],
["USER72", '', new Date(2014,03,03,10,03), new Date(2014,03,03,10,06)],
["USER72", '', new Date(2014,03,03,12,52), new Date(2014,03,03,12,55)],
["USER72", '', new Date(2014,03,03,21,13), new Date(2014,03,03,21,13)],
["USER72", '', new Date(2014,03,03,21,37), new Date(2014,03,03,21,38)],
["USER72", '', new Date(2014,03,03,23,14), new Date(2014,03,03,23,15)],
["USER72", '', new Date(2014,03,03,23,27), new Date(2014,03,03,23,28)],
["USER36", '', new Date(2014,03,03,08,05), new Date(2014,03,03,09,17)],
["USER36", '', new Date(2014,03,03,09,50), new Date(2014,03,03,16,10)],
["USER36", '', new Date(2014,03,03,16,12), new Date(2014,03,03,20,29)],
["USER32", '', new Date(2014,03,03,08,23), new Date(2014,03,03,14,44)],
["USER82", '', new Date(2014,03,03,08,49), new Date(2014,03,03,17,18)],
["USER37", '', new Date(2014,03,03,08,04), new Date(2014,03,03,08,06)],
["USER37", '', new Date(2014,03,03,11,44), new Date(2014,03,03,15,21)],
["USER37", '', new Date(2014,03,03,15,34), new Date(2014,03,03,15,51)],
["USER37", '', new Date(2014,03,03,16,12), new Date(2014,03,03,16,14)],
["USER37", '', new Date(2014,03,03,16,52), new Date(2014,03,03,16,54)],
["USER37", '', new Date(2014,03,03,17,07), new Date(2014,03,03,17,08)],
["USER37", '', new Date(2014,03,03,20,20), new Date(2014,03,03,20,24)],
["USER37", '', new Date(2014,03,03,21,03), new Date(2014,03,03,21,20)],
["USER37", '', new Date(2014,03,03,22,42), new Date(2014,03,03,23,05)],
["USER37", '', new Date(2014,03,03,23,51), new Date(2014,03,03,23,56)],
["USER01", '', new Date(2014,03,03,16,11), new Date(2014,03,03,16,12)]
var options = {
timeline: { colorByRowLabel: true }
chart.draw(dataTable, options);
<script type="text/javascript" src="{'modules':[{'name':'visualization',
<div id="example5.1" style="width:5000px;height: 600px;"></div>