I am trying to make 4 dependent / cascading selection components. In this question, the selection component happens to be a <h:selectOneMenu>
, but this is of course applicable on any other kind of selection component extending from UISelectOne
superclass, such as <h:selectManyCheckbox>
or PrimeFaces <p:selectCheckboxMenu>
, <p:selectManyMenu>
, etc.
When the user chooses an item from the first menu, the second menu will show dependent data and when the user chooses item from the second one , the third one will show dependent data and so on.
The user will see items on the first menu only and the other ones will be blank. If he chooses an item on the first menu the second one will show data but the third and the fourth will remain blank, and so on. The user must eventually choose entries from all the 4 menus.
<h:selectOneMenu id="first" value="#{nodes.selectState}">
<f:selectItems value="#{nodes.stateList}"/>
<f:ajax render="second">
<h:selectOneMenu id="second" value="#{nodes.selectCity}">
<f:selectItems value="#{nodes.cityList}"/>
<f:ajax render="third">
<h:selectOneMenu id="third" value="#{nodes.selectRegion}">
<f:selectItems value="#{nodes.regionList}"/>
<f:ajax render="fourth">
<h:selectOneMenu id="fourth" value="#{nodes.selectStation}">
<f:selectItems value="#{nodes.stationList}"/>
Nodes bean
private String selectState; //+setters, getters
private String selectCity; //+setters, getters
private String selectRegion; //+setters, getters
private String selectStation; //+setters, getters
private List<SelectItem> stateList; //+setters, getters
private List<SelectItem> cityList; //+setters, getters
private List<SelectItem> regionList; //+setters, getters
private List<SelectItem> stationList; //+setters, getters
public getStateList(){
stateList= new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
stateList.add(new SelectItem("A"));
public getCityList(){
CityList= new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
CityList.add(new SelectItem("B"));
public getRegionList(){
RegionList= new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
RegionList.add(new SelectItem("C"));
public getStationList(){
StationList= new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
StationList.add(new SelectItem("D"));
It's only working for the first 2 menus. The other 2 menus get null