Assume we have a struct capable of self-mutation that has to happen as part of a background operation:
struct Thing {
var something = 0
mutating func operation(block: () -> Void) {
// Start some background operation
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0)) {
// Mutate self upon background task completion
self.something += 1
Now, when I use such a struct in context:
var myThing = Thing()
myThing.operation {
The println
gives me 0
, as if myThing
was never mutated. Printing self.something
from within the dispatch_async
obviously yields 1
How do I work around this issue, preferably without having to pass the updated struct's self
in the operation
competition block and overriding the original variable in the main context?
// Ew
var myThing = Thing()
myThing.operation {
(mutatedThing) in
myThing = mutatedThing