Method-1 Online Hibernate Tool Installation
In Eclipse IDE, menu bar, select Help >> Install New Software … put the Eclipse update site URL "
Select the tool and click on Next. Do not select all the tools; it will install all the unnecessary tools. We just need hibernate tools.
Accept licence agreement and click finish.It will take some minutes to complete installation process.
After installation, restart the eclipse to verify whether Hibernate tools is installed properly,we will look at Hibernate Perspective in Eclipse->>Window->>Open Perspective->>Other
Method-2 Offline Installation
If you don’t have the internet connection and want the offline method to add hibernate tools in eclipse. To install the Hibernate Tools, extract the
file and move all the files inside the features folder into the features folder of the eclipse installation directory and move all the files inside the plugins folder into the plugins folder of the ecilpse installation directory.
After restart, Go to Eclipse->>Window->>Open Perspective->>Other, the following dialog box appears, select Hibernate and click the Ok button.
That’s it . We successfully installed JBoss Hibernate Tools in Eclipse. :) now Happy Coding
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