I'm (now) trying to use ANTLR4 and C# to design a language, and so far I've been fiddling around with it. In the process, I decided to try and create a simple mathematical expression evaluator. In the process, I created the following ANTLR grammar for it:
grammar Calculator;
protected const int EOF = Eof;
protected const int EOF = EOF;
protected const int HIDDEN = Hidden;
program : expr+ ;
expr : expr op=('*' | '/') expr
| expr op=('+' | '-') expr
| '(' expression ')'
INT : [0-9]+ ;
MUL : '*' ;
DIV : '/' ;
ADD : '+' ;
SUB : '-' ;
WS : (' ' | '\r' | '\n') -> channel(HIDDEN) ;
When I try to generate C# code from it using this command:
java -jar C:\...\antlr-4.2-complete.jar -DLanguage=CSharp .\...\Grammar.g4
I get these odd errors:
error(50): C:\Users\Ethan\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\CypressLang\CypressLang\Source\.\Grammar\CypressGrammar.g4:1:0: syntax error: 'ï' came as a complete surprise to me error(50): C:\Users\Ethan\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\CypressLang\CypressLang\Source\.\Grammar\CypressGrammar.g4:1:1: syntax error: '»' came as a complete surprise to me error(50): C:\Users\Ethan\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\CypressLang\CypressLang\Source\.\Grammar\CypressGrammar.g4:1:2: syntax error: '¿' came as a complete surprise to me error(50): C:\Users\Ethan\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\CypressLang\CypressLang\Source\.\Grammar\CypressGrammar.g4:1:3: syntax error: mismatched input 'grammar' expecting SEMI
What might be causing these errors, and how can I fix them? My best guess at the moment is that Visual Studio is inserting odd characters onto the beginning of the file, and I can't remove them.