I am coding a basic frequency analisys of WAVE audio files, but I have trouble when it comes to convertion from WAVE frames to integer.
Here is the relevant part of my code:
import wave
track = wave.open('/some_path/my_audio.wav', 'r')
byt_depth = track.getsampwidth() #Byte depth of the file in BYTES
frame_rate = track.getframerate()
buf_size = 512
def byt_sum (word):
#convert a string of n bytes into an int in [0;8**n-1]
return sum( (256**k)*word[k] for k in range(len(word)) )
raw_buf = track.readframes(buf_size)
One frame is a string of n bytes, where n = byt_depth.
For instance, with a 24bits-encoded file, track.readframe(1) could be:
raw_buf[n] returns an int in [0;255]
sample_buf = [byt_sum(raw_buf[byt_depth*k:byt_depth*(k+1)])
- 2**(8*byt_depth-1) for k in range(buf_size)]
Problem is: when I plot sample_buf
for a single sine signal, I get
an alternative, wrecked sine signal.
I can't figure out why the signal overlaps udpside-down.
Any idea?
P.S.: Since I'm French, my English is quite hesitating. Feel free to edit if there are ugly mistakes.